Know your material before you begin. Know the subject and many of details about it, learn different sides and opinions and many of facts to help perfect your ideas.
Get permission to record, and then get the name, the spelling of the name, and the title before you begin. Make sure the person is comfortable on camera and make sure you know the spelling of their name to either display it on the lower third of the screen or maybe in the credits. Knowing the title might help if you ask questions that focus on it.
Write out the questions. Make sure you record what you're going to ask that way you'll be organized and you can ask the same question if conudcting with one or more people.
Record the interview, but takes notes, too. Take notes of what is going on for editing and more study and record it to use.
Aviod yes/no questions. Asking simple questions will decrease amound of fotage and also decrease amount of interest and knowledge the viewer will have. By having more complex questions you can get a wide variety of answers.
Save big questions for mid-to-late interview. Waiting to ask the most meaningful/longer questions almost to the end that way the viewer will last remember that, it won't bore them at first, and the person you're interviewing will have more time to think and already be in the manner of answering these types of questions.
Understand the answers. Make sure you understand what the person is saying, understand their point of view so you can try to connect to it and work it through your video.
Call back if you need more information. If maybe you forgot any of these steps or watch it later and think you have something you need to add make sure to contact the person you interviewed and whenever you're interviewing them make sure you get their information that way you can do so.
For our story idea we want to try to interview people on their opinions of use of tanning beds.
Q: How often and long do you think a person should be allowed to go and stay in the tanning bed? (if any at all)